Healthcare Solutions Overview

Healthcare facilities demand reliable power to provide the best service for patients. Unfortunately, many healthcare facilities are in areas prone to power outages which disrupts providing quality care – sometimes severely.


Healthcare facilities demand reliable power to provide the best service for patients. Unfortunately, many healthcare facilities are in areas prone to power outages which disrupts providing quality care – sometimes severely. What’s more, as the grid becomes more electrified, facilities grow increasingly vulnerable to outages. Therefore, it is crucial for all healthcare facilities to be equipped with resilient backup power systems to mitigate the risks of power outages. With Enchanted Rock, healthcare facilities can guarantee each day remains a normal day for patients and staff with day-to-day business uninterrupted for the entire facility despite prolonged electrical outages in the area


Although all healthcare facilities back up life-safety and critical loads, a power outage can cause major hardships, such as loss of power to HVAC diagnostic centers and outpatient services. In certain climates, it goes beyond being an inconvenience. Patients in dark and hot or cold rooms are at risk of worsened health and increased anxiety. Additionally, there are significant financial impacts to an extended outage. While critical operations can function with life-safety, elective procedures must be postponed, resulting in patient impact and significant loss of revenue. If medical supplies are left unrefrigerated for an extended period of time, they must be disposed of, which is also a significant cost to healthcare providers and patients. With Enchanted Rock’s Resiliency-as-a-service solution with its dual-purpose microgrids, patients can continue to receive the care they need in stable and comfortable environments.


Enchanted Rock’s Electrical Resiliency-as-a-Service solution with their dual-purpose microgrids provide fullfacility backup power at a fraction of the cost of comparable diesel backup. When the healthcare facility does not need backup power, Enchanted Rock participates in energy markets, earning revenue that subsidizes the cost of the system to the customer. Enchanted Rock owns, operates, and maintains the system, allowing healthcare facilities to focus on their core business – providing high-quality care for their patients.


While diesel has been the industry standard, natural gas provides many benefits, including ultra-low emissions, low sound levels, compact footprint, and indefinite runtime. Diesel fuel is high carbon emitting, high particulate emitting, and higher NOx emitting when compared to a natural gas equivalent. Enchanted Rock’s gensets are best-in-class with sound levels of less than 68 dBa at 7 meters and a compact footprint, allowing them to be placed almost anywhere

The diesel supply chain becomes extremely challenged during severe weather events. For example, refueling may be impossible during severe weather events due to insufficient on-road fuel tankers or impossible roads, which was the case during Hurricane Sandy, Harvey, and Irma. Alternatively, Enchanted Rock’s natural gas dual-purpose microgrids utilize underground infrastructure which is generally unaffected by weather events and widespread power disturbances. Underground distribution is logistically more reliable than aboveground delivery as it is protected from the hazards that can cause an outage.

The Challenge:

When Hurricane Harvey swept through the Gulf Coast in 2017, a Texas hospital experienced the immediate impacts of power failure. The loss of both water and electricity prevented even critical applications from functioning and required the hospital to evacuate patients to a safer location. This resulted in $6 million of lost revenue for the hospital.

The Solution:

With the goal of achieving full-facility backup power at an affordable cost, the hospital selected Enchanted Rock. The Electrical
Resiliency-as-a-Service solution provides the hospital with the most reliable form of backup power without high capital costs and operations and maintainance efforts. In fact, the hospital paid only 20% of the total cost of ownership of the system.

Business Benefits:

  • Enable safer, more productive business operations
  • Reduce CAPEX and OPEX
  • Improve ability to serve community

“We now feel confident going into the hurricane season knowing that our power resiliency is in the hands of experts. We were surprised to discover this risk could be addressed so affordably with Enchanted Rock’s proven resiliency solution.”

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