Enchanted Rock is a leader in electrical resiliency-as-a-service, powering companies, critical infrastructure and communities to ensure operational continuity during unexpected power outages. Enchanted Rock’s dual-purpose microgrids use natural gas and renewable natural gas (RNG) offsets to produce significantly lower carbon emissions and air pollutants than diesel generators, capable of achieving resiliency with net-zero emissions. Enchanted Rock service fee is a small fraction of the purchase price of a comparable system. By participating in power markets during non-emergency situations, Enchanted Rock can significantly reduce their service fee and offset the cost of ongoing operations and maintenance.
Enchanted Rock’s business began with diesel generators, the company has shifted to natural gas because it is a far more resilient form of fuel. Natural gas is delivered through a robust underground network, which remains unaffected by flooding and other damages from severe weather events. On the other hand, the diesel supply chain can become very challenged during natural disasters, such as Hurricane Harvey or Winter Storm Uri, which can lead to widespread diesel shortages. Additionally, extreme flooding or icy roads can prevent delivery trucks from being able to reach sites where it is needed, and National Guard units have the right to commandeer fuel trucks destined for commercial and industrial customers. Furthermore, natural gas is a cleaner, quieter, and more efficient source of fuel which can provide up to 100 percent availability for customers.
During heavy rain and flooding events, it is paramount that storm pumps operate at maximum output to protect human lives as well as billions of dollars in property. Many Levee Improvement Districts (LIDS) and various water authorities rely on backup generation to ensure that water pumps are operational in the instance of a grid outage.
It is critical that treatment facilities run by municipalities are backed up in order to prevent sewage spillage. When treatment facilities lose power, they are at risk for polluting surrounding bodies of water and land, which can result in unhealthy conditions and large environmental fines.
Enchanted Rock’s dual-purpose microgrids have the added benefit of providing additional financial streams, making the assets cost-effective. With our fully-managed and sustainable microgrids, Enchanted Rock has reimagined the way companies ensure business continuity in the face of grid failure. Coupled with comprehensive support services, our team of experts designs, installs, operates and maintains purpose-built systems that enable worry-free protection from extended electrical outages.
In June 2017, a power outage in Texas City threated Gulf Coast Water Authority’s (GCWA) ability to provide drinking water to Galveston County and surrounding areas. Additionally, the power outage would have prevented GCWA from being able to supply critical water to refineries and chemical plants in the area. Fortunately, Enchanted Rock’s combined 7.5 MW system, commissioned in 2013 and 2014, carried GCWA’s load at its two water plants during the outage. This was GCWA’s first time relying on Enchanted Rock’s microgrids, which yielded 100 percent electrical availability.
“ERock’s team not only allowed us to mitigate a potential loss of millions of dollars by our industrial customers but allowed us to continue to deliver on our promise to deliver reliable water supplies,”