By Jim Kelly
Director, Renewable Natural Gas

I recently attended a conference focused on promoting the reliability, sustainability, and economic benefits of renewable natural gas (RNG) as a practical alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Industry leaders and experts explored key issues like policy requirements, competition in relevant markets, and maximizing revenue to encourage the development, deployment, and utilization of RNG.

Coincidentally, the conference occurred at the same time Enchanted Rock announced a project to utilize RNG for carbon-neutral backup power at Microsoft’s new data center in San Jose, Calif. While that was an exciting development in and of itself, it also underscored the conference’s overarching theme of RNG as a pathway to energy independence in North America. And that isn’t just a notion; it’s a reality.

As energy consumers, we are at a crossroads, and meaningful progress must occur to ensure RNG becomes a viable fuel source that powers our future with cleaner, more sustainable energy. Here are a few of my key takeaways that will help us get there.

State and federal initiatives are driving the adoption of renewable fuels

Renewable fuels, including innovative alternatives like RNG, are key components in state and federal efforts to decarbonize not only the electricity sector but also transportation and manufacturing industries. States across the nation, spearheaded by trailblazers such as California, Oregon, Washington, and most recently New Mexico are embracing renewable fuels programs to reduce emissions in these sectors and achieve long-term climate goals.

California, having approved statewide plans that will add 56 GW of clean energy resources by 2035 to drive the adoption of renewable fuels, serves as a beacon of progress for ambitious energy transition targets and stringent emissions regulations. Similarly, Oregon and Washington have implemented robust policies and incentives to establish clean fuel standards and foster a transition towards more sustainable energy sources.

These state-level initiatives not only contribute to reducing carbon footprints but also stimulate economic growth, create jobs in the renewable energy sector, and enhance energy security. By prioritizing renewable fuels, states are laying the foundation for a resilient and sustainable energy future—one that balances environmental preservation with economic prosperity.

Corporate decarbonization strategies must navigate the regulatory landscape

“Book and claim,” commonly referred to as market-based accounting, continues to serve as a critical pathway for corporations striving to fulfill federal, state, and voluntary decarbonization mandates and objectives. Despite the growing emphasis on other accounting methodologies, such as location-based or direct emissions reporting, the flexibility and efficiency offered by the book and claim model make it an attractive option for companies navigating complex regulatory landscapes. In essence, the book and claim approach allows organizations to purchase renewable energy certificates corresponding to renewable energy generation elsewhere, thereby offsetting their own carbon footprint. This method offers businesses the opportunity to support renewable energy projects financially without the logistical challenges of on-site renewable energy production. Additionally, it provides a means for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and meet their decarbonization targets in a cost-effective manner.

Federal entities like the Securities and Exchange Commission and forward-thinking states like California are ramping up oversight mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability in corporate decarbonization efforts. This heightened scrutiny underscores the importance of accurate and verifiable reporting of emissions reductions, particularly within the framework of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) statements. By holding publicly traded companies accountable for their voluntary decarbonization commitments, regulatory bodies aim to foster greater transparency, trust, and integrity in corporate sustainability practices. As these corporations face increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to ESG stewardship, it is essential that they embrace comprehensive strategies that encompass a mix of emissions reduction initiatives, renewable energy investments, and transparent reporting practices. By doing so, businesses can not only meet regulatory obligations but also drive meaningful progress towards a low-carbon future.

RNG is a global game-changer in the pursuit of sustainable energy

Beyond the U.S., RNG is capturing the attention of stakeholders and regulators on a global scale, reflecting its growing prominence as a versatile and sustainable fuel source. This rising interest in RNG is being propelled by various factors; geopolitical events affecting traditional natural gas supplies; heightened focus on decarbonization efforts worldwide; and significant discussions at international forums like COP28 in Dubai, where even major players like China and India participated in key discussions on its role in addressing climate change. In Western European countries, where ambitious climate goals and stringent environmental regulations are gaining in popularity, they are increasingly turning to RNG to accelerate their decarbonization efforts and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

The appeal of RNG extends beyond its environmental benefits; its versatility and compatibility with existing infrastructure make it an attractive option for countries (and U.S. companies alike) seeking to diversify their energy portfolios and achieve energy independence. By tapping into renewable sources of methane, such as organic waste from both livestock and agriculture, wastewater treatment facilities, and landfill sites, RNG offers a circular economy solution that simultaneously addresses waste management challenges and contributes to emissions reductions.

Unlocking the potential for a resilient and sustainable energy future

As the global energy landscape continues to evolve, RNG is poised to play an increasingly prominent role in shaping the transition towards a sustainable and resilient future. By leveraging its potential as a renewable and low-carbon energy source, countries worldwide can enhance energy security, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and foster economic growth while advancing their climate goals on both national and international fronts.